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Mage/Jedi Light Armored Robes


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Hi everyone :smile:


(Sorry for my not so good english...)


I'm writing here because i would like that someone could kindly translate in a mod this request...


I'd like to have a Light armored mage robe (maybe hide or leather stat) but not the standard ones that are dressable in standard Skyrim, because i'd like the mage journeyman robes, but that damn shoulder bag every time merge with the mage hoods i put on my male charecter, and as the bag is on the left side every sword is merged in it with bad looking results, also the shorts lightsabers of Magicka Sabers Crystal (really a wonderful mod for a fan of SW like me)...On the other side, i like the upper pert of the mage apprentice robe, i mean that semicircular brown shoulder part that has the same color of the brown mage hood (sorry i don't know how is named, to give you an example like the ddead mage in the prison in Helgen Keep when you learn to use picklocks)...

I'd like to have a fusion of the 2 robes, i mean:


-The Mage Journeyman robe with the shoulder part of the mage apprentice robe (so the mage journeyman has finally a shirt collar) and without shoulder bags


-The Mage Apprentice robe without shoulder bags and with the under belt part of the mage journeyman pants and skirt, because i don't like much the standard one that there is in game, it makes seem my character more a priest than a Jedi or a ranger character...


For a well fitting of bracers and boots i'd like them to have the arms and maybe the pants without knee protection of the Thieves Guild armor, as they are good with almost everything...


As i wrote in the title, i call this mage/jedi because i like jedi robes, that i think are good also for travelling mages, but the ones i found here are with coat and i like something more dinamic when fighting enemies...So i'd like to have other than the classic mage robes colors in game, also a variant properly colored in jedi and sith colors, and of course wearable for man and woman of all races, because of course is a request that came from me, but also every aother nexus user can use it...


About a wearable coat (brown and black, for jedi and sith) if someone is able to make it wearable aas a cloak for eaxmple so not part of the body armor, with a hood in the same color that can be equipped like a hood, so also this not part of the coat piece, well this would be terrific :smile:


Many thanks for hearing and maybe considering to making this, if someone is so kind to make it :smile:

Edited by alduin78
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