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Correct, in all probability it's a mod that's causing this ... to fix this I normally un-tick three or four at a time and then start the game

eventually through elimination you're going to find the problem mod.

I've also discovered that by going to a previous save - about two saves earlier - that also sometimes helps to solve the problem

as you sometimes find yourself in a glitch area.

That's why by using the mod CASM - a mod that automatically saves your game according to your configuration - you don't have to go

all the way back to 3 or 4 "level up's', to when you last saved.

You can now go back to the last 5 or 10 minutes ago save and reload.

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I was trying to use FWE and FWE weapon pack and I crashed. When I tried with these mods deactivated, same results. Also i'm not using a integrated graphics thing. Although I'm not quite sure what that is anyways.

Edited by scottiefingR
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alright, fixed the issue except one has shown up mid game. some of the icons for the pip-boy show file not found instead of the item that should be seen. Also, some textures aren't showing up correctly. For example, i'm holding an mp40, its covering in what looks like the textures of a vault suit. also, the mp40's pipboy icon isn't correct (the file not found thing). Any assistance this time would be most appreciated.

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