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Teleporting to random location when using 2handlauncher weaps.


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So basically ive been having this really weird bug happening to me for a minute now and i cant come across anything online about it at all and ive sifted through all of my mods and messed around on fnvedit and cant figure anything out, so basically any 2handlauncher type weapon has this problem and only these weapons, i zoom in, start slowly moving forward and then i get teleported to a random location no matter where im located, ive noticed depending on where im located itll teleport me to the same spot over and over again, you can see my issue in the video below, any help would be much appreciated.





EDIT: Finally figured it out for anyone wondering, robert s male body is completely incompatible with the frontier. They both add a 2haforward animation so it might be from that.

Edited by CahlebC
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