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Plague doctor outfit request


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First, the excuses: I'm currently involved with a larger mod that I can barely find time for, and I haven't taken the time to learn the 3D rendering programs to create new meshes and textures. I will if I have to, but I thought I'd ask in case anyone else thinks this is a bitchin' idea for a costume mod:


Plague doctors: (see attatchments or google it)


It could probably be done a few different ways, and I wouldn't mind seeing a few variations, but all of them could be relatively simple.


It would consist of three elements: hat, mask, and coat. Here's what I imagine could work


Hats: Lincoln's Top Hat, Prewar fedoras (I can't remember the actual name) or Oasis Hoods


Masks: Surgical Mask with Biker Goggles, that new Gas Mask/Helmet from the pit (minus the helmet), or Blastmaster helmet minus the firehat part.


Coat: could be a retex of Autumn's Coat, Mysterious Stranger's Coat, or Scribe Robes, or even Oasis Robes.


Let me know what you think, and if you do it, please let me know!

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that outfit is creepy as hell.

dang, if you had requested this at a time when i wasnt already too busy, i would definitely try


edit: ok dammit i just love this outfit too much, i havent done full body stuff yet, but i will definitely try to make at least the mask. and with any luck ill get the full thing. i cant promise an ETA though, so no worries if someone else takes you up on the offer.



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Wow, that's a lot further than I expected anyone to go with it! It looks great!


I've got a few things to do this week, but then I can be arsed to give my half-wit attempt at it. I'm looking forward to more of this, though.

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glad you like it :] another small update


i ended up putting the cloth over the mask instead of under, because it seemed more likely to be wrapped that way, to help seal the outfit. i got rid of the straps... wait i just realized they werent there at the time of the last screenshot so nevermind :]


i had the hat all nive and beat up looking, but it just didnt feel right so ive scrapped it and started a new one here.


and i was working on editing the elder lyons outfit, but then i looked at the bos scribe and its almost perfect, so ive started working with that now.. mostly retexturing, and a tiny bit of mesh changes... hopefully ill get a change to start texturing the head this weekend.


ill keep you posted.




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What is this a plague doctor from?

They where English doctors during the bubonic plague, they where a real life entity.


Also, for anyone making this outfit, some info from wikipedia for historical accuracy.


Considered an early form of hazmat suit, a plague doctor's clothing consisted of:


* A wide-brimmed black hat worn close to the head. At the time, a wide-brimmed black hat would have been identified a person as a doctor, much the same as how nowadays a hat may identify chefs, soldiers, and workers. The wide-brimmed hat may have also been used as partial shielding from infection.


* A primitive gas mask in the shape of a bird's beak. A common belief at the time was that the plague was spread by birds. There may have been a belief that by dressing in a bird-like mask, the wearer could draw the plague away from the patient and onto the garment the plague doctor wore. The mask also included red glass eyepieces, which were thought to make the wearer impervious to evil. The beak of the mask was often filled with strongly aromatic herbs and spices to overpower the miasmas or "bad air" which was also thought to carry the plague. At the very least, it may have served a dual purpose of dulling the smell of unburied corpses, sputum, and ruptured bouboules in plague victims.


* A long, black overcoat. The overcoat worn by the plague doctor was tucked in behind the beak mask at the neckline to minimize skin exposure. It extended to the feet, and was often coated head to toe in suet or wax. A coating of suet may have been used with the thought that the plague could be drawn away from the flesh of the infected victim and either trapped by the suet, or repelled by the wax. The coating of wax likely served as protection against respiratory droplet contamination, but it was not known at the time if coughing carried the plague. It was likely that the overcoat was waxed to simply prevent sputum or other bodily fluids from clinging to it.


* A wooden cane. The cane was used to both direct family members to move the patient, other individuals nearby, and possibly to examine the patient with directly.


* Leather breeches. Similar to waders worn by fishermen, leather breeches were worn beneath the cloak to protect the legs and groin from infection. Since the plague often tended to manifest itself first in the lymph nodes, particular attention was paid to protecting the armpits, neck, and groin. It is not known how often or widespread plague doctors were, or how effective they were in treatment of the disease. It's likely that while offering some protection to the wearer, they may have actually contributed more to the spreading of the disease than its treatment, in that the plague doctor unknowingly served as a vector for infected fleas to move from host to host.


Also, there was mention of variations, so here's one I've always liked if you can get the artists permission. http://ursulav.deviantart.com/art/The-Taxman-81995802

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i tried to get the polys as low as i could (the original head was about 6k now down to just under 2) but im kind of new to some of that, so hopefully he wont be too jagged looking. ive been saving in iterations though to i can always go back and make changes or alternate versions. heres what he looks like so far on the scribe outfit. i just finished uvs and now its on to texturing.





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Euugh... *shudder shudder*

Those guys creep me the f*** out, especially after seeing that movie, Sickhouse or whatever.

It would be cool to have the outfit though. Mebbe make it a little darker, like in the aforementioned movie.

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