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Plague doctor outfit request


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When I saw the first concept picture I was like "hey that looks like my hat that I've been requesting forever..." (see sig)... I dared to get my hopes up when I saw neunen start modeling your request, but then I saw his latest picture and how the main body of it looks more like Euology's Pimp hat than a pork pie hat.


Now I'm a sad panda. :(

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ive never been too happy with the hats ive come up with so far to tell you the truth. so ill try to incorporate your pork pie hat :)


i was looking forward to getting a lot of work done on this this weekend, but then being the idiot that i am i forgot my keydrive at work and dont have the newest version at home :pinch: but ill get back to it as soon as i can

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how does this look to you guys?




i tried to make the hat more pork pie, and changed the beak. i also had a strap around the chin that was supposed to look like it was the seal between the hood and mask, but it ended up looking like a cowboy hat strap, so i wasnt sure about it.


I think the beak could be a little smaller, and the lines on the side of the eye holes kinda make it look more like glasses on top of the mask, and less like a part of the mask itself. I don't know if thats what they actually looked like, but I think it would look better as part of the mask.


On a side note, is this the same type of clothing the "bird lady" in Resident Evil 5 wears?


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i can do that no problem Outlander. unless Leadpipe wants the mask to be available seperately though ill probably have it come with the hat (because i got a little sloppy with the top of the head that the hat covers ;) )


thanks for the input ManOfGah, i was torn about the buckles and straps on the sides of the eyeholes, so youve convinced me to leave them out.

i havent actually played RE5 yet, but im thinking about borrowing a 360 to try it. it seems similar, but i cant really see her face in the picture, possibly inspired by that look though.

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When I read the OP, I said out loud, "are you friggin' kidding me?!"


But after looking at some illustrations, and reading the intriguing history, I'm hooked. I'd love to see it in game, but for me at least, it would need to be accompanied by some kind of circumstance or content to explain it's appearance, and give it appropriate impact. Not just found in a wardrobe in a random ruined house, where some crazy guy apparently used to live. At bare minimum, it's location set and decorated somewhat and a book or note describing something of it, so people would know what the hell it is. Even better would be it's inclusion in some kind of quest addon, 'cause you need to have an NPC walking around in this, that you happen upon in some dark, dank sanitarium, or a bleak wasteland area at night to creep the hell out of you.


neunen - Your work looks great so far. The scribe robe model couldn't be much better without editing or creating a new model. I'll put my thoughts on visual concepts in:


I actually liked the the first hat you posted the best, but your latest one would be next.


I think the goggle straps should definitely be in there, at least as thick as shown in The Taxman (great artwork). Here's another good concept on the straps.


I like the beak on the longer, thinner side as well, like in the full-body pic you posted. This mask's beak is a bit thicker, but I really like it too.


I thought I saw more images with the mask going over the cowl, and I don't think they would've had material to make it fit over the mask as tightly as it looks in your last pic. I'd lean toward mask over cowl, with the mask edge staying in front of the ears. If you did go with the cowl on top, maybe loosen it up a bit, giving it a slightly hooded look. Nothing like a hood like this one, but that kind of gives you an idea.


Definitely red tinted lenses when it gets that far.



Wow, I didn't think I had that many thoughts about this. Well keep up the great work!

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