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[Mod Idea/Request] Night Overhaul


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  • Make it not change to daylight when respawning e.g. to retry night bosses and not play the game with daylight 80% of the time
  • Make latern slowly consume FP, disable automatic unequip latern
  • Buff Starlight Spell length
  • Increase rune drops of night enemies
  • Optional: Disable option to change time
  • Optional: A daytime timescale modifier

Most of the players just play with daylight and there is mostly no reason to use a torch or the starlight spell since they come with a lot of downsides. The latern makes them obselete, even though it's radius isn't as far. Making it consume FP while using makes the other options way more viable and the gameplay in the dark more challenging, atmospheric and exciting. To counter the additional difficultythe rune drops of night enemies can be increased.


How would you guys like that? Unfortunately I am not able to make mods for Elden Ring.... but it would be great if someone would do it who would like it too.


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