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Choosing if you want to use fusion core while entering power armor / Choosing what fusion core you wanna use for gatling laser


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Sometimes I would like to not use my fusion core’s while entering power armor, but in vanilla game as long as you have at least one fusion core, game always gonna eject into the chamber which is often annoying for me. Similar thing happens when you’re in PA while having no fusion core, but as soon as you’ll pick up any from the ground it automatically eject itself without asking, this is also mildly infuriating. Option to turn off the drain of the fusion core would be a great option also and as a trade-off benefits from having fusion core would be gone, as long as this will stay off.


When it comes to the gatling laser it always bothers me that it will always take any fusion core from my inventory (and will use fusion core with 100% charge probably). To me it feels wrong and I would like to choose with fusion core from my inventory, I believe syringe gun have that mechanic where upon pressing ‘R’ you could choose ammunition of your liking, and I think the similar thing could be implemented.


I could also use companion for that at some degree to store my fusion core’s and then let the game to choose the one I want to eject to one of those cases, but after some time it becomes annoying chore, which I think could be solved in much better way.

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