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Directional Pipboy Light


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Well I can't find this mod any where, I know its out there somewhere as I have seen alot of links to where it used to be on fallout3nexus but apparently it isnt there anymore. I was wondering if someone could tell me where to find this mod or why it was taken off of the site. Or if someone has it could they send it to me in a email or pm? Sorry if this is in the wrong section its my first post. :)
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  • 9 months later...

It seems that there is a mod floating around that makes the Pipboy light directional already; and from the screens I've seen, it seems to work pretty well. Unfortunately, the mod itself seems to have completely and inexplicably disappeared…


I've done a little tinkering toward producing a mod myself; but my personal modding experience has been mostly making meshes and textures, and those were for Oblivion - so my experience with the geck is pretty limited. I don't really know the extent of its capabilities (or if it is even capable of making this mod).


The mod already out there proves that it can be done though. And since I see that this thread is pretty old, I am interested to know if anyone knows how to make a directional light or knows how to get ahold of the Directional PipLight.

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So I've done a little research and it seems that the FO3 engine does not directly support directional lighting. And if you think about how all the lighting in game looks… there isn't any.


On a related note, I found an old thread discussing the Directional Piplight created by Pelinor. Apparently, that mod was produced by somehow modifying and combining the muzzle flash of 20 weapons firing at the same time. Unfortunately, I have neither been able to find a working link to the mod nor any reason for its disappearance.


If anyone is interested, this is the thread I was reading:


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Well I'm not sure. Do we even have a general idea of how it was done. My best GUESS is that he used a cone-shaped transparent mesh as some sort of light occlusion - the light would be blocked from leaving the cone, creating what seems to be a beam of light. And then FOSE was used to make the light track along with the player's FOV. If I am right, I suspect using FOSE would account for the delay in the light following the player. I'm not well versed in modding anywhere near this level of complexity though, so I could very well be completely wrong.
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