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Cloth Physics


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If you mean a mod that allows you to assign physics to cloth items that current have no physics, for instance, by targeting an item and hitting it with some spell or shout, no. You'll need to get acquainted with Outfit Studio, NifSkope and possibly others to add physics to cloth that doesn't presently incorporate physics, as well as doing widenet and site searches for discussions on adding weights to models, so you can learn what needs done. (not being obtuse, I know almost zilch aside from what I just said)


If you mean, "Are there mods that add cloth items that incorporate physics?" Yes. And they'll either rely on the mod that Leonidas noted or on CBPC. Look for armor and clothing that has "physics" or "smp" or "hdt" in it's description and you're probably going to find what you want. "BHUNP" and "CBBE-3BA" are also reasonable indicators (although not *always*) that there'll be at least some physics to the outfit.

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