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Insane attack speed


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Hi! I got a bug, when my attack speed somehow increase a very much. I play with bow and double daggers. When I use double daggers, my right dagger attacks very fast. This bug happens often, I do not know what can cause it. Mods that have any indirect effect on the attack speed is not installed.

I can not go back to the old save, when it has not yet been, because the first time it happened a long time ago and at the time I did not pay much attention to it.
About player.getav weaponspeedmult
For my bow thats player.getav weaponspeedmult = 2.20
And for daggers player.getav weaponspeedmult = 2.51
(Thats values for bugged weapon)
For normal speed, without bug that will be
For my bow thats player.getav weaponspeedmult = 1.30
And for daggers player.getav weaponspeedmult = 1.35
I have noticed that F5 (quick save) helps fix this problem but not always. wtf
I dont know hot thats works...
How to fix that ? :3
Edited by Hegris
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  • 3 weeks later...

sry for so late response :sweat:. Thanks for your help. Im need to say, that im tried second mod, but that doesnt change too much so Im prefer to deal with this and play.


Hi, pick your poison, if anything helps. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27677 - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32859?tab=description



I don't know the 1st, but 2nd and third mods are kinda reliable and bugless for me.

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