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What is consider Lore Friendly?


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Most weapon and armor mods are not "lore friendly" in the strictest sense since they are either things which are not made of materials found in the world, are not things which, due to their shapes, could not be crafted without using a mold to cast (not fit to be used as a real weapon), or are just totally impractical. That said, it usually doesn't matter since many vanilla items also fall victim to this.


Lore friendly usually only matters in the case of quests, NPCs, or areas since non-lore friendly quests, NPCs, or areas can contrast strongly with the rest of the game (a truck stop outside of Chorrol for instance (coming next April)) and provide content that some players may object to for the sake of "realism". In short, it's only non-lore friendly if it is something that you could not see existing within the same world as the rest of Tamriel. Some modders try to make things more lore friendly, and more power to them, but most don't care as long as it isn't something obviously conflicting with the world. Technically speaking, none of the DLC mods are lore friendly. Technically speaking, half of what we see in Oblivion and SI is not lore friendly. It's all about what is and is not bad enough to stand out.

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