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Weapon skill gains based on damage dealt, not base weapon damage


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TLDR; I'd like a mod that makes xp gain based off total damage done for weapon skills; archery, one-handed & two-handed


What I'm trying to ask in my confusing topic title is could someone please make a mod that changes the way the weapon skills are currently increased, or if there is already one that does this please point me in that direction.


At the moment the xp gained is based on base weapon damage, any upgrade that you've made with smithing & any perks that increase damage, any critical hit & power attacks don't gain any extra xp.

ref: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:One-handed#Gaining_Skill_XP

This is f#$%ing stupid. With my last character I had to sit around attacking shadowmere for a good hour to get the stupid level up at levels 90+


I have honestly spend a couple of hours searching for a mod that does this, so if there is one out there already that I some how missed, please tell me


Thanks, Ben.

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