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DB Orphanage


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Well the idea is not really for the Dark Brotherhood to have an orphanage, the idea is the addition to be able to adopt and raise children to be the next generation members of the DB (after the questline). Such as Aventus Aretino, perhaps a few kids scattered through the holds and let Aventus Aretino give you quest (him standing in the sanctuary) to find these "customers" and kill for them and then "adopting" them.


Well the gist of the idea is just to have a next generation DB members. Im guessing that there is more ways then the one i provided and i would love to see what everyone can come up with, who knows maybe a modder would find your idea the most interesting so i would love to see feedback and additions.



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  • 4 months later...

maybe one could even have a quest to teach a skill to a kid, maybe one skill for each kid and only a skill the player has maxed at 100 and with the new legendary feature one can actually max all skills and perhaps this quest ends once all skills are passed onto another

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