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Faramel Manor: my current project


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Faramel Manor is on an island in the Stid River (existing Isle but I've altered the geography and topography a lot). So far I have a dock (no ship, mainly built for those of us who use pilotable pirate ship and the like) a sheep carall with two dogs. A stable with two horses, Zephyr (a black horse similar to shadowmere) and Mia (chestnut colored Unicorn, yay! lol), some landscaping (takes FOREVER!!!) and a skingrad style, upperclass house (if you wanna see what one it is exactly open up the cs and place a skingrad upperclass 06 somewhere to see the exterior) I haven't added interiors yet but I'll do that after I finish posting. I am incorporating TONS of resources in this mod, Hel Borne's awesome Argonian and Orc zombie resources (just the argonian parts,) which were used for an npc that lives in the basement and you can find out the backstory of, cauldrons w/ soup etc. (the author's name escapes me right now, srry), dragon's egg teaset (it matches the cauldron I like, I also can't remember that author), Armor for Dummies which I only put in the elven armors (author escapes me), ayleid clutter, canvas galore, globes, manor bedroom sets, lamps of oblivion and crystal ball lamps, schoollabclass (not in the way you may think), full wine racks, semi-precious stones, possibly animated fishtanks and loth's better weapon racks I don't know about those yet...
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very interesting mod and it's good to see your getting somewhere with it. i really like your idea, i think on the docks u should add some type of row boat something small so it gives it at least a feeling of a dock. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
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