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Juggalosim in Oblivion


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I am going to make a mod that adds some content and context to Juggalosim.


Now before i go on, i want to make this loud and clear even though it can be confusing for most.



This part is a large description of what a juggalo and juggaloist is VS. the very common misconception of what we are really about. This part is not... needed.. i suppose.. to read and can be skipped, but i urge you, if you have the patients, (cant spell) To read the whole thing to understand this. If you decide to bash and or insult this mod idea, PLEASE read this first.



(1) Juggalo: (Juggalette = female juggalo) Close fan based followers of ICP, TWIZTID, ABK, TechN9ne ETC (Psychopathic Records)


(2) Juggalo: (Juggalette = female juggalo) A very strict life style (Way of life) in which expresses freedom and individuality mainly through the music played and painting our faces. Traits of Juggalos include: Respect, individualism, love, honor, anti-racism, anti-descrimination, anti-sexism, anti-any kind of prejudice.


Juffalo: A person who poses themselves to be a Juggalo and doesn't either even know what a REAL juggalo is, or just pretends to be a Juggalo and is obviously not.


Juffalo traits include: racism. being rude and loud, swearing at everyone, being an a-hole, murder, vandilism, theft, destruction and so on and so forth.


JUGGALOSIM: A religious faith closely related to Christianity believing in good, his son dieing for us, and the bible. There are many differences but that list is too long. So i will shorten it up. Individualism (We don't believe you MUST BELIEVE every flippin word the bible says to be saved. We understand that the bible was created by gods word, but written by mans hands. Some argue Devine Intervention, i argue back, free will.) We believe other juggalos to be a family. We are a family by gods eyes. We are all humans shaped in the image of god and believe as such that life is precious and holy. Really i just dont have time to list it all, wanna learn more go to JuggaloFaith.com


Rumors and common thoughts about Juggalos that are false: Murderers, psychos, vandils, gang members (Juggalos are not a gang and if a 'juggalo' says we are he or she is NOT a real juggalo, just a poser (juffalo) pretending she or he is one because they think it is 'cool'. All around hulligan.


Rumors or common thoughts about Juggaloism that are false: Evil religion, demonism, satanism, witches, cultists, sadists.


Truths vs. rumors about Juggalos: We are not a gang, we are not a cult, we are not vandils, we are not a violent people, we are not murderers. We are a kind, nice, non violent, community loving anti-antisocial and or social people. If we see an elderly person having a hard time crossing the streat, we dont push them or throw an egg at them. We help them. We don't gang bang, we dont worship satan, we dont pray to a golden elephant (no referance to any other religion, if there is a religion which does, by all means continue i am not making fun of you.)


If you have been, heard of or know someone who has been wronged by a 'juggalo' please understand that just painting your face and calling yourself a juggalo and yelling woop woop does not make you one. It makes people who dont know better THINK your one. I apologize for anyone who has been wronged.


The news: We have been posted as a gang in many areas and called violent people because of the FEW people out of the MANY (I meen comparitively, like 1 in 2 million people will do something) who have done crap. Please understand that even if a person who IS a true juggalo and or Juggaloist, and they murder violently, that so do CHRISTIANS! Jews, catholics, muslims, budhists hindus. Everyone has the ability to murder and some people do. It is sad, but no matter WHAT you are, there is a person affiliated with you doing something wrong.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE research this subject thuroughly before deciding to post. Juggaloism can mostly be considered a 'modernized christianity', which is the main reason you see us painting our face and hitting our head saying some chant with a large peice of wood like in the olden days when people put pain upon themselves to, through faith, attempt to relinguish the pain and suffering of others.


Also for those who believe that someone of christian faith is impervious to murder, please remember. genocide and MASS genocide was commited in the name of MANY religions, including christianity. The church used to be VERY corrupt and killed anyone that opposed them hundreds of years ago. It may have been a LONG time ago, but it happened. This is the folly of man, not the folly of religion.. The fact is that humans are humans who will do what they please.


The mod idea and point to the whole thing


I am making a mod (Or will after im finished with my 80% done major mod and 2 tiny mods) which will either add the entire religion of Juggaloism or just a nice referance or tribute to juggaloism, to Oblivion.


The many idea's i have to add are these:


A church with custom mesh/textured walls and decor to resemble that of one of the many juggaloist churches out there


Many NPC's scattered accross Cyrodiil that are juggaloists to just expand the realism of it instead of have all the npcs flocked to one church.


A minister giving sermons.


Many books of sermons by Juggaloist reverands copied from JuggaloFaith.com and scattered accross cyrodiil and concentrated in the church library.


New weapons like holy staves.


New armor like an armored priest something idk.


A small settlement of Juggaloists or like some kind of refugee camp run by Juggaloists.


And some other things..


The main reason for this post


I have no idea what else to add...


Im open to suggestions and i would love to hear your praise and contemptment, your love and your hate about Juggaloism to either inspire me or direct me. Also, if you would, please think of this as Christianity, since we do read the christian bible, in case you do not know what juggaloism is. If you would give me ideas of what to add i would be very appreciative and would LOVE to throw your name into a special thanks for everyone who helps the ideas of development.


So long as you remain appropriete and understand that there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Juggaloists in the United States and whatever you say can offend them, i have no problem and i even implore you to get whatever you have that is negative to say, whether it be opinion and or an event that took place, and comment here about it. I would love to help you in understanding us better and or explain whatever you may have.


If you wish to show your love and give compliment please do as well, but remember as well, that Juggaloism may be a religion and even my religion, but that does not mean we are perfect. Do not belittle others.


Again i ask, please be appropriete and remember which forum you are posting in.


Your suggestions, your hate, your insult, your love and your praise will all help me in shape this mod idea of mine. If you wish to know more about the faith itself and have a long question that needs a big explanation PLEASE PM ME AND DO NOT POST. I may want everyone to know, but this is a forum meant for oblivion mods and questions such as that belong to PM.


(Just gave myself an idea, i will add a book to the mod that lists both the praise and both the hate i get from this forum as a response. However, i will not give the name of the person who said it to preserve privacy. Still, it would be an interesting thing to add)


God be with you all,




PS: Even if you are hindu, jewish, muslim budhist or whatever, please keep an open mind as much as i do. Just because i am making it about this religion does not mean i do not want your input about your religion. Just make sure, again, it is appropriete for this topic in the forums. I do mean profanity and vulgarity, but mainly i mean keep on the subject of modding.

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Hmmm. Had never heard of it until this post.

To be honest, after reading a little bit in, I kind of skipped ahead to the "Mod Point" part - as it started getting a little preachy (I have no problems with whatever religion you make your own, just I don't like it getting forced onto me - which isn't your intention with this, it seems, so don't take offense).


Advice though - Adding in a religion to Oblivion will bring out the haters/zealots/trolls (although that last one crawls out no matter what the mod). You'll have to deal with that (invariable though :S ) - ignoring them is a good way to go.

And if you feel strongly enough about your beliefs as to want to mod it into a game like Oblivion, go for it, ignore the hate, and kudos for having the strength to show your beliefs even though people will try and flame you.


And I'll keep an eye out for your mod in the future - some peoples take on religion can be quite interesting and fun :)

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Thank you for your kind demeaner =)


I do have a strong feel towards my belief, however, i try to be impatial, nonbias, and 'even' as i can when i talk about it or any subject as touchy and subjective as religion.


When i make the mod i am going to base it off of Juggaloism, however, i am also going to make it fun for anyone.


I know there will always be those haters out there, i see it everyday. Everytime i walk a street corner, every time i go to school, everytime i go to a store. I see the haters, and i see other Juggalos. Mainly due to the fact that i wear a jacket thats covered with the 6 jokers cards on them which are albums to ICP which basically all juggalos and Juggaloists listen to. ( As well, the 6 jokers cards are metophorical figures to explain the fine lines of our religion. Some people find it wierd and crazy, i, however, along with many others, find it modern. A simple, precise, to the point way of explanation and guidance towards faith. There is another common misconception that we 'worship' these cards. We do not, by any means, worship them. We do not 'believe' in them. Again, they are metophores. What we do do is look to them as guidance.)


ANYWHOS i digress.


Oh and a common thing i love about haters are the following phrases...


Juggaloism is EVIL!

There are no such thing as Juggaloists

Juggalo is a made up word.

There are no such thing as Juggalettes

Juggaloism is not a religion

Juggaloism is a satanic belief

Juggaloism is a cult

Juggalos are gangmembers



That kind of ignorance is halarious! Those are the kind of people who believe the news to be the one true truth and every word to be fact, the kind of people who try to get into an intellectual conversation about it soley by rumors or things they have heard from others without doing ANY research.


It truely makes me laugh inside and in their face, aloud, as loud as possible.


Here is an example of how esotaric that is...


When i was on my way home i had to stop by the Bus Transit (To change which bus i got onto,) And while i waited i tryed to bumb a smoke off this ugly UGLY woman who was absolutely insane and a true hick. She started talking to me (I meen thpitting to me every word she thaid she thpat tho much.) about how she knows the government smuggles heroin from iraq to sell in america and how we worked in tandom with sadam and how the president is actually a robot. This woman was serious too, she was actually believing the bullcrap she was talking about.


THATS how funny those things are to me.


Anyways, again, thanks for your open mindedness.


BTW, wasnt trying to force my religion down anyones throats, which i can see how you can think that, i was trying to give a detailed description. But then again its hard to do one without looking like im doing the other. I guess you can say im just proud.



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Hmm wasn't really trying to do a religious descussion as much as throw me ideas on what to add or do with this mod. But if i dont get no good replies by tomarrow ima delete the thread. I have too much work to do to actually start this mod anytime soon. Just started work on The Colored Rooms. BTW, its awesome. And for the Juggalos that start fights, im sorry that they do that. They are probably, as defined above, Juffalos who think the whole concept is a 'gang' which give us a bad reputation and are a discredit to the entire belief and life style. If i made it a little vague up above let me clear this now.


This is intended to give me mod ideas on what to add to the mod. I am not trying to start a religious forum here, i was only saying everything above to clerify what the religion IS so that you undetstand what the mod is. And as well to try and avoid the descussion of religion by stating about christianity and its similarities. I know it probably isnt clear, i wrote that when i was dead tired in the night. Most people do not realize Juggaloism is even a religion or have even heard of it, the life style however, is common among the united states. That is more or less what i was trying to get people to praise and or bash in this forum. Not the religion as much because i know few people who aren't in that religion know what it is enough to talk about, but Juggalo life style (not the religion) Goes hand in hand with Juggaloism, which is what most people, like the guy above, was talking about.


Please understand REAL juggalos aren't wannaba gangsters. The people you are dealing with are the troubled youth of this world trying to find an excuse to act the way they want to and are trying to look 'cool'.


Religious descussion. NO!


Ideas for the religion in oblivion mod. YES.


Discussion about Juggalos as a culture. YES please talk away about that. The only person you can offend is yourself for looking ignorant, which most Juggalos are used to.

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Hmm wasn't really trying to do a religious descussion as much as throw me ideas on what to add or do with this mod. But if i dont get no good replies by tomarrow ima delete the thread. I have too much work to do to actually start this mod anytime soon. Just started work on The Colored Rooms. BTW, its awesome. And for the Juggalos that start fights, im sorry that they do that. They are probably, as defined above, Juffalos who think the whole concept is a 'gang' which give us a bad reputation and are a discredit to the entire belief and life style. If i made it a little vague up above let me clear this now.


This is intended to give me mod ideas on what to add to the mod. I am not trying to start a religious forum here, i was only saying everything above to clerify what the religion IS so that you undetstand what the mod is. And as well to try and avoid the descussion of religion by stating about christianity and its similarities. I know it probably isnt clear, i wrote that when i was dead tired in the night. Most people do not realize Juggaloism is even a religion or have even heard of it, the life style however, is common among the united states. That is more or less what i was trying to get people to praise and or bash in this forum. Not the religion as much because i know few people who aren't in that religion know what it is enough to talk about, but Juggalo life style (not the religion) Goes hand in hand with Juggaloism, which is what most people, like the guy above, was talking about.


Please understand REAL juggalos aren't wannaba gangsters. The people you are dealing with are the troubled youth of this world trying to find an excuse to act the way they want to and are trying to look 'cool'.


Religious descussion. NO!


Ideas for the religion in oblivion mod. YES.


Discussion about Juggalos as a culture. YES please talk away about that. The only person you can offend is yourself for looking ignorant, which most Juggalos are used to.

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