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Request: Add more weapon nodes to Alien animations


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Let me start by saying my knowledge of nifs. hkx and animations is about equal to a toddler's understanding of astrophysics.

Years ago I started an Alien mod I've been dying to revist. I've tried to give my custom Aliens their own arsenal of weapons... but is has to be purely semi-auto....

After extensive investigating I eventually learned the problem is out of my hands, and actually to do with the Alien's animation files. Apparently they are not set up weapon nodes related to automatic firing. They will hold the weapons, but they will not use them as they lack the means to do so. They are strictly semi-auto, and this kills any real chance of turning them into a diverse faction for a mod (imo).

This is a problem beyond my skill level, and to which I do not possess the tools. So I humbly request, can somebody update the alien's related hkx files to have that feature? I think it would be a good modder's resource, not just for me, but for others...

PS: I literally do not care if they one-hand the weapons still, they just need to actually be able to fire them. However if you someway can rig them holding 2h weapons like any other NPC that is just cake on top. 100% priority is the animation node fix.

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