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Voicing a companion, voice files work in GECK but not in game. WTF?


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The sound files look fine.
I downloaded your main file and installed that. Then copied your sound clips to the data folder (and renamed it for the esm). I started a new game, did a player move to her start marker in MO and the sound files work fine.

The only thing I see that might cause you problems is that instead of making a new voice type, you did an override on the CBRadioConversation voice type.

That's simple to fix with FNVEdit (just change the form ID of HazelVoiceType to 01029FB1 (so the first two digits equal your mod index instead of 00). Then the other references to it are fixed for you. The sound works for me after doing this also. So you probably have a save game issue or a mod conflict with that vanilla voice you are overriding.

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The good news: it's not a problem with your ogg files. I renamed one and copied it over a line of existing dialog in another mod, and it plays fine. If you've been trying a bunch of formats, make sure you don't have any voice files with the same name but different extensions in the same folder. The game will use wav or ogg, and if both are present it will use the wav. If the wav file is the wrong bitrate and the game can't play it, then there will be no sound, even if there's an ogg in the folder that would have worked.


[edit] I see the real answer was posted while I was typing, never mind.

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