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[PS4] Several mods request


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Hi everyone,


I'm new on this forum, so I don't know if I am on the right section for PS4 mods request. There's a lot of mods that I've been thinking.


Clothing :


1/ I'm using the Creation Club "Capital Wasteland Mercenaries" and i want to be able to wear armor over those outfits, like what you can do with the mods "UCO Morgan's Space Suit Patch" by @AndrewCX


2/ This one is something tricky, I don't even know if it could be done on PS4,

I am looking for something that could "create outfits" : i.e. a manequinn, you put your BoS officer uniform and your commando armor "link them" and instead of having all these item seperatly in your pip-boy it will be only one outfit including all the different parts, with the same weight, same stat, allowing you to create several outfits and change them quickly depending on what you want to do. You could do a light build for infiltration, a heavy one for when it qet rought etc.


3/ I'm using "Weather Redux - Night Vision Pack" by and i want to take off the night vision goggles by wearing "invisible glasses".

I.e. my night vision goggles are set in my favorites menus, i want to put those "invisible glasses" in the favorites too, for i can switch the NV on/off without having to access the pip-boy.


4/ One last clothing mods. Again I don't know if it could be done "due to sony's restrictions" !

I'd like to have the Nuka Girl Outfits without the Jetpack, nor the ugly neck stuff !! I already have one without helmet, but I'm really dislike the JP/neck ring !!


Skill :


1/ I have CC "Military Backpack", and I play in survival mode, what i'm looking for is something simple that could remove the "carrying capacity" gain from the skill "Lone Wanderer". If it already exist, I haven't find it :/ !


Character's presets :


1/ I am using "Busty Mods" by @tonicmole and "Wastland Waist Training -Vanilla" by both are really great, but not enought "pin-up girl" for me ^^ ! Is there a chance that someone do a "Jessica Rabbit" mods ? keeping the same sliders for bust/butt but with a slightly thiner waist !


Settlements :


1/ For this resquest there's only one modders who can help me : @norespawns

I have nearly all your settlements mods (except the one for Sanctuary Hill) I don't know if it'll interest other player, but is there a chance you could merge all your mods in one to have an A.I.O. for it take less spot in load order !


2/ This one is more a bug repport tant a request : @Tony1912

I have some trouble with your "hangman alley interiors" I don't know if i am the only one who have this, but when you go for the first time in HA, there a raider that spawn in a wall and no way to find/kill him ! I have to disable the mods, kill him, enable the mods back. It's no big deal, just to let you know about this small bug :wink: !


Combat :


1/ A mods for have more blood/gore in combat, I used to play with "Realistic Gore And Dissmemberment" from @Col0Korn but it seams to conflict with almost all the mods that allowed you to "headshot" that I've tried ! :/

So nearly the same mods, just without changing any value to left that to an other mods, or the same mods, but with "always deadly headshot" !


I think that's it !


Thank you for taking time to read this,


I'd like to thank all of you modders who do all this work for free, on your own free time, that's just amazing ! (If i could have, I would have give something back, but I really can't)


I'd like to say an even bigger thanks to : @Arthmoor, @AndrewCX, @valdacil, @sargeschultz11, , @Ethreon, , @Kane51, , @SilentGamingGeek, @Sarajiel, , , @LBGSHI, @tonicmole, @norespawns, @Tony1912, @tonicmole, , , @StormLord, , , @KahvozeinsFang, @a6addon, , @Undernier, , , @greywolf357s, @TheWastelandGirl, @hereami, @Dude211212, , @Col0Korn, @nzxvyy, , ,

not sure all of them are Nexus members, but you guys have already made my game a better experience !





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