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Actual Zombies


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The one thing that is missing from this game is zombies. It seems weird that an enemy like this doesn't exist in this game. Sure, there are the draugr, but they aren't really the same as a good old fashioned zombie. So could anyone mod some zombies into this game? Oh and I am not talking about a draugr reskin, I am talking about powerful, rotting, maggot eaten, dead bodies with missing limbs, lumbering around with exposed organs, trying to eat the dragonborn.


For a more of a "that makes sense" take on them, they might be commonly seen around necromancers and some with a slightly higher intelligence might have ranged attacks in the form of exploding masses of puss that continuously bulb off of their bodies and inflict various ailments on the dragonborn. It could even make something simple happen like force the dragonborn to vomit, momentarily leaving him/her open to attack. I know I would blow chunks if I got hit with a ball of exploding puss.


Just an idea... an idea that needs an awesome modder to make it work...

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Oblivion had zombies, ofc. They wandered around tombs and certain caves, so they're lore friendly.

Remaking an enemy type like that would be awesome.

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