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Bbs lasses of skyrim redux and dawnguard.esm


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In ssedit there seems to be some kind of conflict between this mod and Dawnguard.esm? It's in the head parts..er..bit for Sybillestentor , LaeletteVampire and Hert, seems Dawnguard added a head part for those characters thats not in lasses of skyrim? (FemaleHeadBreton [HDPT:00051621] for Sybille and Laelette, & FemaleHeadNord [HDPT:00051623] for Hert ) and I'm not sure if it's OK to remove that from Dawnguard.esm or leave it as it shows up in red in ssedit?

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Don't edit Dawnguard.esm, and don't patch the two mods (leave it red).


For head part conflicts, always let the NPC mod of your choice win, because else (also when merging head parts from Dawnguard and the mod), you'll get the black face bug, since the head parts don't match the head mesh.


Just make sure that the NPC mod is placed after the conflicting mods in the load order.


Note that it is recommended and safe to patch other entries (like spells, factions, packages...), just let the NPC mod win for appearance-related entries like head parts and tints.

Edited by Vai1lyn
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