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Wireless headphones with a mic jack?

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So I've been interested in an Antilion Modmic for some time, but I wanted my stuff to remain wireless, and though I would just wait until they push a wireless product out, I'm not sure if both a wireless headset AND a wireless mic will be a good idea...

Is there a good wireless headset out there that comes with a mic jack on it? I assume there's not much but I'm hoping for one.

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Is there a good wireless headset out there that comes with a mic jack on it?

You have wireless headphones with a wireless mic on them. Wireless headphones with a mic jack is a no, headphones can't be wireless if there's a wire you need to plug in. If you want a wired mic and wireless headphones, you have to buy them separately.


Or you can go DIY and buy 2 sets of headphones - wireless and wired, then transplant the mic over to the wireless headset which should be fairly easy. Do note that this approach voids warranty, if there is any.

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