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Correct Skyrim Version


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Hey guys,


first of all very sorry if it has been asked before or if I am asking it in the wrong section.


I think about playing SSE again, but I did not play after the Anniversary Editon launched. I am totally unsure what changed or even what SKSE to install.


Is there maybe a good tutorial/guide to know what to use? Or can someone maybe sum it up for me.


Thank you a lot!

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If you receive all updates from Steam you are to install AE version of all mods that require it.


If you choose to downgrade with Downgrade Patcher and play on Skyrim SE version 1.5.97 (pre-AE) in order to have most mod combability, you are to use the SE version of all mods.


I hope this helps.

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I can't offer a guide, but to sum it up, if your game updated, and if your old game used SKSE mods, SKSE and any associated mods will need to be updated in most cases, since the old SKSE isn't up to snuff for the new version of skyrim. If you went through the 1.5.80 >> 1.5.97 upgrade work, it'll likely be similar. Most, or *many mods have been updated. Some will, like the last version increase, go by the wayside.


Alternatively, you can downgrade like Hietanen suggested.

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