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Missing Spells


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I just made a plugin that added Lightweight Ebony Armor (Boots, Greaves, and Pauldrons) with higher enchantability and 1/2 AR, Weight, and Value. For some reason, when I start the game up, I get a message saying Spell Reflect_20 could not be found, and another saying Spell Immunity_normal_weapons could not be found. Those may not be the exact names, but it was a Reflect 20(%?) spell, and a weapon immunity spell.

My guess iis that this may be the spell combo for the Frost or Flame Atronach, but WHY would my mod cause problems with that?

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I sometimes get error similar messages although the spells in my case are usually 'brown rot', '75% resist fire' and '75% resist frost'. It doesn't seem to affect the game in any way. The strange thing is if I exit and reload I do not necessarily get the error message.


I'd ignore the warnings unless something more sinister happens.

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