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NPC position using Load Doors

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What part of a .nifs data controls what position an npc will take when opening a load door?


I have modified some existing anim doors to be load doors. I have tweaked the open and close data to animate the door using xyz successfully, based on the orientation I need (handle on right side in EXT to match the handle on left side in INT) and adjusted the time it takes to open and close to mimick a load door. I have adjusted the xyz so that the door opens IN to the room on EXT door (Right side handle) and then the corresponding INT door also opens Inwards (towards the room) with the handle on the left of the door. Works fine for PC.


The issue I have is that NPCs are heading towards the hinge of the door to open it rather than the handle on the INT door.


I have tried with both L and R anim doors, but no matter which mesh I alter the xyz rotations for, the NPC always seems to pick the right hand side of any INT doors orientation. Most of my doors have the handle on the right in the EXT and the handle on the left for the corresponding INT.


I hope this makes sense. Any data I can play with in the .nif or otherwise to get the NPC open door animation to align to the handle side of the door? Is it that the INT doors open inwards?



Edited by TyburnKetch
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I believe that would pertain to the door activation animation MT_ActivateDoor.hkx. If you preview it in the CK it shows the NPC using his left hand to reach toward the right side. There is no mirror image animation for the right hand to reach toward the left side. It has nothing to do with the door nifs themselves.


I wonder if you could fake a decent passable look though. I haven't tested this but what if you moved the green line of the navmesh at the door to the left? I wonder if the NPC is drawn to that green line and will stop there before the animation kicks in, making it look somewhat that he's reaching for the handle on the left?

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Thank you very much for replying.


Good info and great suggestion! I did wonder if the animation itself was the issue but hadnt got around to working out which one it was. Never occurred to me to tweak the navmesh but I think its a great idea and feel hopeful it will work.


Will report back when I get a chance to test.


Thanks again.

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