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Honest Hearts ALTERNATE Ending


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Here's my personal vision for an alternate ending of the Honest Hearts DLC. At present player choices in the DLC are either to effectually wipe out an entire tribe or help the indigenous tribals to flee the area. IMHO a third choice should have been available through Daniel most likely whereby IF Caesar is dead or could be killed, that this information would change the Whitelegs aggression. With a combination of player daring (i.e. running the guantlet to "Salt-Upon-Wounds" alone thereby establishing dominance and earning respect (GIVING him Caesar's Token or armor or HEAD might be a requirement as well), AND by helping Daniel to "convert" the Whitelegs leader through testimony & scripture with high level speech & charisma checks of course, the genocidal battle could be averted or at least curtailed.


Even a change at the very END where the player defies The Burned Man and convinces him that "forgiveness" is always the best option, could allow for the Whiteleg menace to be removed peacefully in the end. Appropriate speech and charisma checks could be used for either avenue and an alternate outcome could possibly have a SOLO hand-to-hand or melee weapon fight between the player and Joshua Graham FIRST, then "Salt-Upon-Wounds" that leaves both leaders either dead or defeated, while the remaining tribals become immediately non-aggressive to the player and enemy factions due to the player effectually becoming their "Chief."


Changing the "enemy" status of the various factions could be stage scripted and there is already a mod that shows how to keep the tribals from disappearing here: "Honest Hearts DLC white legs respawn and npcs stay after finish" by quanster: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48871/?


Another method I've thought about is the American Plains Indians practice of "Counting Coup." Go here for a full explaination: http://en.wikipedia....i/Counting_coup


Stealth loving players could try the challenge of actually sneaking into the Whitelegs camp and striking the leader with a coup stick, then escaping unharmed.....OR.....during any battle if the player struck the Whitelegs leader with the same stick, the battle would effectually end. This would surely humble "Salt-Upon-Wounds" enough to motivate this misguided warrior to smoke the peace pipe.


Which reminds me where is the freaking peace pipe in this DLC! :ohmy:


Anyone interested and talented enough to tackle the dialogue & quest changes necessary for any similar ALTERNATE ending please send me a PM and I will help any way I can. My GECK & scripting skills are not as good as they once were, BUT I'm as good once in awhile, as I ever was. :laugh:

Edited by tiger8u2
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I don't normally play a Legion character, but might give it a shot if the same person who (hopefully) attempts this mod would include an option like the "headhunt" quests involving Driver Nephi and company, where you could deliver Graham's head to Ceasar for more favor. Just trying to think outside of the box here.

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