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2 Mod Request. 1. Better Khajiit Skin or Shape. 2. Dungeon or Quest


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First request is on a better Khajiit Skin texture or shape. I found a few but I like more options for the skin texture. Mostly I like any modder who makes nude skins to work on the female khajiit skin, so many of them don't even have bits just the shape and the ones that do are too poorly done. I would like someone to make a better nude skin for the female khajiit. Also I would like a lion textuer too or a tiger, no need to change the head shape just the texture.


Second Request. I havent came across a dungeon mod or quest that long and hard even for a godmodding player. I know Sanctum of the fallen is actually by far to my knowledge the biggest and more hardest dungeon in Nexus. I would like another dungeon like that with that many monsters but more organized and tougher, a dungeon so hard that it will push anyone to godmod just to get through it. XD If you know of a mod I'm open to see it or please make one.

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