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NMM Problem


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I've been trying to fix this problem for a while, I couldn't figure anything out. The problem? NMM doesn't remember which mods iv'e installed, So i install a mod, green tick all good, shut off NMM and open it back up ALL RED XXXXX!! It's frustrating to say the least, any help would be awesome

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I see people give the advice of creating a "c/games" file. That doesn't work, not on windows 7 at least. Skse and the basic skyrim launcher always look for related files in the program(86) folder and refuse to access them anywhere else. Try uninstalling Nmm and reinstalling with the managers default settings and see if that does it

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I see people give the advice of creating a "c/games" file. That doesn't work, not on windows 7 at least. Skse and the basic skyrim launcher always look for related files in the program(86) folder and refuse to access them anywhere else. Try uninstalling Nmm and reinstalling with the managers default settings and see if that does it

I have installed NMM as per my instructions on both Windows 7 & 8/8.1 operating systems with SKSE as the launcher since I started using mods. If you are going to use NMM, this is the proper way of installing. However, learning how to install manually will give you a better grasp of modding and the process, plus you will avoid the pitfalls of incorrect NMM installation.

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