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Request Fix for "Four Eyes Perk"


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When I select the "Four Eyes Perk" I am wearing the "Lucky Shades" and when I look at my stats I see a penalty of -1 personality instead of the supposed +1 personality that is supposed to be present. The penalty is only supposed to appear if no glasses of any kind are worn.


Please fix this Four Eyes Perk so it will work correctly with the "Lucky Shades" sunglasses.




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As far as I can see, the Four Eyes trait functions as expected. Just to clarify, when taken it reduces your perception by 1, and adds a bonus of +2 perception, +3 in the case of Lucky Shades, to glasses in the game, effectively raising your perception by 1, or 2 with Lucky Shades. They key thing to note here is that the penalty is applied whether you're wearing glasses or not. I think this is intentional, because it means the player must have a higher base perception (without bonuses) when applying for certain perks that require high perception. Take a look at the entry in Fallout Wiki for yourself.

Edited by Ladez
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