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Where are all the berets coming from?


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Searching seems to lead to 'Andragorns Apocalyptic Armoury', a file that no longer appears to be hosted at the Fallout 3 nexus.

Why was it taken down?

Is the mod hosted anywhere else?

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FOOK also has berets in the mod (based of Andragorns work) they have berets for every faction (BOS, enclave, Talon, etc) plus a couple of unique ones. Andragorn Has taken his work offline so he can properly redo the armor, I contacted him on behalf of Project Valhalla and together our team is helping him properly rig the armor. Since he was tired of everybody complaining about problems with the mod he took it offline as I said, to work on it with us.
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the berets in FOOK are made by BurnBabyBurn and have nothing to do with Andragorns work. Just say it so that there are no misunderstandings or anything.


My apologies then LinkesAuge most people believe they are based on his work since both your and his berets suffer the exact same problems with the conformulator. But we just finished fixing his berets so now they work properly.

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