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Player home idea


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I've got an idea about turinging a Aylied ruin into a player home thats obtained after a five or six chain quest and wondered if any one is out there that might help me. I'm such a n00b when it comes to working the TES construction set that I'd ruin the game just opening it let alonge looking to moddify any locations for personal use.
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I've got an idea about turinging a Aylied ruin into a player home thats obtained after a five or six chain quest and wondered if any one is out there that might help me. I'm such a n00b when it comes to working the TES construction set that I'd ruin the game just opening it let alonge looking to moddify any locations for personal use.


I can help, in fact my alot of my retexs are based of alyied ruins. Some things i have already retexed to make look "new".

This is my mod and look at the images, the fighters and mages guild particular employ this scheme.


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Well I was hoping for a little more responce before adding any more details.

The final home will have a Smith, Innkepper, Mage for your Repair/Refreshment/Magical needs as well as room for 4 partner mods.

A mages chamber/libary with alters so you can research new spells and enchant items. A guarden/alchemy lab so you can grow ingrediants and make potions.

A training range with Smith for any repairs that may be needed.

A dungon/crypt thats ratehr like the one below Dalls IC home for those who dare run in to battle with out armor and just smash things till they (or the enemy) die.


The smiths and inn keepers will be player hires so that they may choos a smith that has more heavy armor/light armor/wqeapons to choose from. With a simaler plan for the Innkeeper who would sell more Resotation/Poison/Ingredients. The mage you will be able to buy all your robes and soul stones from as well as a few magic restoring potions, they will also be the only one who can let you in the lower dungon/crypt if you dare to try one more dongun with who knows what around every corner.




This Mod places the home near one of the wildernes camps (maybe Aerin's Camp or Walker Camp) and can not be open by normal means.


The quest to get in is started when you find a chared body of a bandit (Doomed or Rickety). Targetting him show a message, Somthing along the lines of "his bandit was tormented by the others. But why?" and gives to the option of seachng the body. The body gives you some lock picks a torch and an item that resembles a green soul stone. Closing the windowe with the soul stone in your invintory will cause a quest text to encorage you to find out more about it and suggest seeking info at one of the mages guild.

After leaving the cave you can head back to any town and a new rumor of Phanton Thiefs is going round but no one knows much about them, a new copy of the black horse currier is out. Grab it and you'll get info that several of the finner houses of the lands have been hit by the 'Phantom Bandits' An interview with the several guards/captins/nobles whom swear they will be brought to justace. Also how the bandits leave no trace of how they entered or left the mark/targeted homes, this will seem of little importance untill later in the quest.

At the mages guild you will be redidrected to the arcane university (much like the nirnroot quest) since no ones seen the likes of it before. At the university you'll be told its not a soul stone but an Ayleid ruin key. They then point out fade ruins that give it away and that you could find and ask Herminia Cinna who may know which ruin this one works for. Herminia Cinna will mark on your map where the player home is (assuming you havnt found it all ready) and comment that she would love to look inside in once you open the doors and given the place some time to air out.

Once inside you will fine some traps and a guard who've been expecting some one else? Yeah the bandit who left (and you got the key from) went to rivels and now they think your here to take the portal (Remeber for the Phantom thiefs?). Now there will be a total of 16 to 20 bandit/guards that you have to kill before the boss is triggered. The boss comes thru after his men have been killed, Hes a High Elf mage who claims the ruins by a blood right. He'll talk about how he would take back the lands from the fools who stole them from the Ayleids and how he will one day rain death from the top of white gold tower apon all who stand in his way.

After killing him you will get a message to see Herminia again about looking thru the ruins, She'll take a 2 day trip out their and suggest a Researcher/Friend who wants to move in to the ruins for research reasons of corse. And suggest that you stay on there to aid the friend incase any trouble crops up.

The Researcher/NPC will look into restoring the first chamber set that the bandits used and lock the lower dungon (unless you tell them to open in for you). They will suggest finding a smith and assistant to help them, This will spawn 6 NPCs will now be free to hire for those jobs and can be found talking to inn keepers or other smiths.

After hireing them the Researcher will tell you about the portal which the Phantom Thiefs used to hit the towns undetected. Using the portal will fast travel you to any location on the map that you've been to and the first use will add a return home spell to your spell list.


Currently I'm calling it the Sin'Dorei home, This will more likly change latter.

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