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[REQ] Recoil + Spread


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Alright, to start, this ISN"T a rant about how "horrible" the fps in fallout 3 is, everyone has there play styles for games. I've grown up with counter-strike (beta, not the whole "steam thing") and have ventured into all the new shooters as well, CoD4, Crysis, etc etc, I basically try every shooter I can get my hands on, I just love em.


I was thinking of a way to actually mod the "recoil"/spread in fallout 3, I have no experience in modding, I only change textures/sounds. Anyhow, fallout 3 from my knowledge, has a consistent spread set to a number, it also has the DUMBEST auto-aim feature that is not correctable from what I know, it can only be reduced, but even then there are aiming problems. If its possible, I was wondering if a modder could mod a "recoil system". The spread starts at 0 (straight bullets) for each shot, but if the trigger is held, or bullets are coming out too quickly (clicking your mouse too quickly) the spread increases. This is common and vital for EVERY fps game, it virtually defines what makes an fps fun and "realistic" with the exception of the infamous halo (don't get me started with that). Anyways, a little off topic there. How would this spread be done? If its possible, I know there are mods out there that increase the spread of weapons as the durability decreases, so setting every weapon in the game with NO spread, but rapid durability decreases with RAPID spread increases could make this mod work. I figure you guys have guessed what the problem is? Eventually your gun breaks, or if it doesn't your next set of shots (regardless of not holding down the trigger) will have insane spread even if you stop firing. To solve this problem (if its possible), add a script that repairs your weapon to full after "x" amount of seconds? Therefore, your spread increases as you hold down the trigger, but once you stop, lets say for 1 second or even 0.75 seconds, your durability is max. This will also allow "burst firing" which is nonexistent in fallout 3, forcing the player not to just hold down their trigger and be trigger happy.




1) All weapons have 0 spread to begin

2) Trigger held down = rapid durability decrease + rapid spread increase

3) Weapon is fully repaired about 0.75-1 second of pause between shots

4) Adds some proper fps shooting

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