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Who is the greatest hero of Elderscroll?


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Well, to me it's a toss up between the Hero of Kvatch who became the Ruler of The Shivering Isles over a Daedra Prince Sheogorath and helped Martin Septim defeat Mehrunes Dagon after becoming the Archmage at the Arcane University, the Leader of the Fighters Guild, a Brother/Sister of the Blades, the Champion of the Arena and after the defeat of Mehrunes Dagon but the loss of his best friend-he was made Champion of Cyrodiil, AND the Dragonborn who defeated Alduin the World-Eater and Potema, the Mother of Uriel Septim the VII. If I'm also correct, the Dragonborn also defeated the original first Dragonborn Miraak on Solstheim on his own turf using new shouts that were yet to be discovered by the Dragonborn, became Archmage of the Winterhold Mages College, became the Listener to the Dark Brotherhood, helped win a civil war, helped fight vampires and fell in love with a vampire without becoming one.

That's what I call a toss up.

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Here is a comment i saw on the other forum and thought i would paste it over here as i like this person's opinion and matches my own.



Neveraine-single handly defeated dagoth ur (someone who was holding his own against 3 demigods, one of whom stood toe toe with bal and sheo), shattered the heart of lorkhan, became leader of more guilds and factions than skyrim or oblivion (I'd dare say combined but I maybe wrong slightly), defeated the tribunal and slayed 1 (or 2 of the demigods by themselves), defeated an aspect of a daedra, caused the red year, and got corprus and overcame it to become immortal.
CoC-Became leader of all the guilds, shut down all the gates while his followers or other npcs became enchanted into thinking swimming and getting stuck in the lava was a smart idea, became sheo, defeated the robot [censored] from the future, and released the curse on the cowl.
LDB-became leader of all the guilds, defeated alduin the ruler over dragons and NOT the Alduin the World Swallower (because alduin was never trying to end the kalpa but trying to regain His seat of power and usher in a new era of dragon rulers), stopped miraak, became a pawn of the great tentacle one, help decide the outcome of the civil war, slayed an emperor.
I picked neveraine because he single handedly defeated the tribunal and dagoth ur, something that even Tiber couldn't do, and defeated an aspect of the great hunter daedra Prince. ....and was just a simple person like the CoC. It was hard picking between the coc and neveraine because they dealt with huge world ending situations (oblivion gates and the spreading of the blight and the divine disease on everyone to make everyone but the dunmer become insane own flesh eating immortals). The LDB really didn't get much credits with me because one he defeated alduin that wasn't even gonna eat the world and 2 because he already started off awesome with an ace up his sleeve.
They all did great things, but being normal people doing great things upp the anty with me and I was more impressed with the neveraine in the awesome stuff he did over everyone.
Its also stfictly purely my opionion and we all know opionions vary and differ with none being "right".
granted this person did not cover the other heros but only the last 3 games.
I still say its a toss up between the Hero of Kvatch and the Dragonborn. But, the Dragonborn did something that none of the others did; he went into Sovengarde and was granted help and got it from other Heros of Sovengarde to help kill Alduin in front of Sovengarde entrance because Alduin was using the dead for drawing power to use for his energy to build up to "swallow the world." Or as they said, litteraly "eat the world." Which was why he was called Alduin, The World-Eater.
I admit, the Hero of Kvatch didn't do that and neither did Neveraine, but close though. He also went into the plane where the necromancers trap souls by soul-trapping and walked around like it was nothing. He took on a dragon trapped there the same way and defeated him. But, as you say, it is a matter of opinion.


Edited by Papajack55
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If Ann Marie has the deepest connection to the Daedra (even deeper than Martin's by the end of her journey) and the Dragonborn the deepest connection to Creation and the Words that composed it ... both are pretty epic in their own way.


I need to play Morrowind, just suck it up and deal with the "walking around with sticks up their butts" animations -- they look like walking scarecrows, it's hideous -- anyway I'll learn to put up with it. Everyone keeps talking about how great Morrowind was, so surely I'll get used to it after awhile. I have to see the Nerevarine's exploits for myself, and Morroblivion has never quite worked right, so I guess it's time to make peace with the retro technology and dive in already.

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there are animation mods that fix the animations quite a bit, for an easy way around things first thing i would say is install this fully.



You are a newer fan so it may take some getting use to compared to oblivion/skyrim but honestly after some time you will love it, but from what i have seen a lot of younger people do not give it a chance and say it sucks because they're noobs and stupid kids imo lol.


notice i say kids a lot lol, i'm turning 24 next month and they're kids in my mind xD.


P.S. may want to read this link.



Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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We already had such a topic, but it was only about 3 heroes.

And actually now it looks like all same heroes are here.

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Never played Morrowind, so i'm going to base my my decision on The Champion of Cyrodill and The Last Dragonborn.


I have to say it's a tough choice because what defines "greatest"? I mean The Dragonborn defeated Alduin, a being so powerful he's worshipped as a God. BUT The Dragonborn had the help of many allies not to mention the fact that The Elder Scrolls foretold that he would win.


The Champion of Cyrodill was just a person who was thrown into a situation and did extraordinarily well. He had no ancient powers or prophecies guiding him. Was the Oblivion Crisis destined to end? Maybe. But that could mean that the Oblivion Crisis could of gone on for hundreds of years causing mass destruction and death across Tamriel. The Champion of Cyrodill COULD of failed, unlike the The Last Dragonborn who were destined to succeed. Hell I heard even the Neveraine had help from the Daedra such as Azura.


The CoC imo, is the greatest hero because he succeeded in a situation where failure was a indeed a strong possibility. While the Dragonborn has generally fought tougher and more powerful enemies, he/she was destined for greatness, while the CoC through luck and skill managed to become great on his own.




EDIT: Wait i'm wrong, Uriel Septim gives the CoC the prohphecy of him being the hero. NEVERMIND there. I have to go with the Dragonborn then. He has slain Alduin, an extremely powerful being whose powers rival that of a GOD. The Dragonborn defeats Alduin when he's at the height of his power. That's pretty damn impressive.

Edited by Honorgirl
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You could argue that all the King knew about the CoC was that she was destined to take the Amulet of Kings to its proper place. The Oblivion-gate-closing overachieving was completely of her own choosing ...

If you think about it, the gate-closings were more of a necessity since she/he had to go places and where he/she went, there were gates that needed to be shut due to the daedra coming out. Also, due to the Counts and Countesses asking them to close those said gates because they were outside their city walls, as was the siege engine gate was at Kvatch and Bruma. Plus, they wanted the goodies inside the gates too. LOL

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