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Trobule with OBSE mods, deady reflex and better cities

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Yeah so I'm having trouble with deadly reflex when it won't play and CTD's if I choose "continue" from the menu, and with better cities the shipyard BSE files won't extract from the Winrar archive, only extracting about 173kb or something and getting to 0% on the top bar, and 100% on the bottom. Can I get some instructions on installing, cause think thats the problem. I use OBMM and tried to turn better cities into a OMOD. before I did something, i don't know what, deadly reflex would load, but it would load a new character, drop me into the water beneath the land, make me choose the new keys, and when i tried to fast travel to another location, I would be on a flat base only with doors and people walking around, and would have to reselect the keys again. Even if i chose continue this would happen. I'm fully patched, with shiv. islands have the newest version of OBSE, and better cities 4.2 and with the 4.2.2 fix ready to go. and dealy reflex 5, but I think I have to get the hotfix too. I don't think I can tell you anything more. Any help, please? Could be to do with my OBSE, cause I don't know how to use it. I just double click it
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