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toggleable skill level lock tool


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So here is my dilemna I have leveled lockpicking to 100... then it reset to 0 and now I am having to go through the skill level irritations again. What developer didn't think to lock that once mastered.


Anyway I am guessing that as I progress other things may have similar problems. So my request is farely simple. (I think)


An interface menu preferably in game...

Locksmith Lock <---> unlock

Sneak Lock <---> unlock

Archery Lock <---> unlock

pickpocket Lock <---> unlock


and so on. Being back to level 20 is a bit aggrivating after leveling the skill so things would be easier. There is a dev somewhere and he owe's us all a little refund for stupidity.



Oh an out of game mod would be okay to just in game would be preference for obvious reasons.

Edited by XLander2
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Did my description make sense? Looking for a way to prevent my character from leveling past 100 on any given skill. For examply I should be level 151 in lockpicking but for some reason the game devs didn't build in a max skill lockout. So now I am level 51.

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