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If you're going to play Oblivion on a Mac, I would suggest 1 of 2 things.


1. Boot Camp, and run it on a Windows Partition. Works fine because it's physically Windows.


2. Download the Cider port (provided that you've already purchased the game, of course.) and view package contents, wherein you must manually edit the .ini file and insert the data directly into the file.


I don't have much experience with Darwine, but I do know that modding on a Mac is a massive pain. I'm hoping to make Mod Manager for the Cider port over the Summer, but don't place any money on it, since I'm perfectly content with my Windows partition. Also, if you're using an Apple computer that doesn't support the Boot Camp platform (one reason for trying Darwine), I suggest you give up trying to run Oblivion entirely as your processor and graphics card will likely not be able to handle it.

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Boot Camp is just like modding with a PC because it IS modding with a PC. The only frustrating part of Boot Camp is that you need to reboot each time you want to change partitions (I have Windows, OS X, and Ubuntu, so it's a large pain). A word of warning: you will need a copy of Windows to install, but if you're an Oblivion fan I'll assume you already have one.


EDIT: Could a mod also move this topic to technical support? Because that's whee this really belongs.

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