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The Daedric Gods: Oblivion Reopened


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Well I've been toying with Oblivion lately and began to think, the main quest was a bit of a let down.. Very short, easy to get through, when you finished the last quest all Oblivion gates vanished for good and let's face it, those were fun and when it all came down to it you weren't the one that finished Mehrunes Dagon in fact you played a rather small role in it and it just left me going "So this is what I spent weeks and weeks leveling up playing for hour and hour-long stints? So I could be shown up by some pansy who transforms randomly into a dragon and then gets killed even with all that amazing power? BULLSHIT!"


My general idea was to create a "what if" quest, what if it hadn't stopped with Mehrunes Dagon? What if the other Rulers of Oblivion and the other Daedric Lords decided to continue the assault on Tamriel, what if it continued and it was left to a now very powerful adventurer/warrior to take on the very Gods of Oblivion themselves?


The idea is to create a quest where Oblivion Portals are re-opened, but not just like before; in greater ferocity. Inside Oblivion would be chaos, the way it should be; a land of danger that is unrelenting in it's fury. Armies march fourth that your hero must defeat single-handed and eventually all of this would lead up to an epic battle upon a vast battlefield in which the Daedric Armies would amass and your hero and aide ( Whomever you bring with you ) would face down the threat of darkness in one giant epic war.


Of course the Daedric Lords would be there too, they would be summoned into the world one after another with a brief pause between to give you time to heal and prepare for the next wave.


I'd very much like a quest where I was faced up against nearly unfathomable odds, the might of the Gods and all that jazz. Anyone keen to this idea?

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If you payed attention in Paradise, then you should already know this: Nirn is just another plane of Oblivion. The unclaimed plane, which Mehrunes Dagon has come to claim. However, we're not really fond of Daedra (which is weird, because we're Daedra too). That's why Akatosh thought it was a good idea to **** up Martin and transform him into a big towering dragon statue.

Anyway, not all daedra lords are fond of us either. Some don't even have an existence. Those Daedra lords are just pure thought. They wouldn't like planes of matter, so why claim one? Besides, do you have Shivering Isles? You don't want Sheogorath OR Jyggalag near you (maybe Sheogorath, he sounds like a lot of fun if you manage to become his friend). Anyway, my point is this: The reason why Nirn has remained unclaimed for so many eras is because nobody gives a **** about it. Just let the Nine Divines "guide" us like an 18th Daedra Lord (if you count Sheogorath and Jyggalag as two).


Face it, nobody gives a ****,


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If you payed attention in Paradise, then you should already know this: Nirn is just another plane of Oblivion. The unclaimed plane, which Mehrunes Dagon has come to claim. However, we're not really fond of Daedra (which is weird, because we're Daedra too). That's why Akatosh thought it was a good idea to **** up Martin and transform him into a big towering dragon statue.

Anyway, not all daedra lords are fond of us either. Some don't even have an existence. Those Daedra lords are just pure thought. They wouldn't like planes of matter, so why claim one? Besides, do you have Shivering Isles? You don't want Sheogorath OR Jyggalag near you (maybe Sheogorath, he sounds like a lot of fun if you manage to become his friend). Anyway, my point is this: The reason why Nirn has remained unclaimed for so many eras is because nobody gives a **** about it. Just let the Nine Divines "guide" us like an 18th Daedra Lord (if you count Sheogorath and Jyggalag as two).


Face it, nobody gives a ****,



Yeah, a little harsh buddy.


Anyway, the "epic battles" you speak of aren't really possible...unless you'd be o.k with the gods only sending 15 or so troops at a time. (the limit of the Oblivion engine)

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your an ***hole you dont have to blast him like that


I'm a she and it's alright. He's entitled to his opinion, although I ignore people who voice their opinions in such a fashion and so I barely read the first few lines of his post before noticing his apparent tone and use of profanity and decided against actually paying attention to him. He's proven to be unworthy of recognition.


I wouldn't really have a problem with 10-15, I certainly know the limitations. I've created over one hundred Daedra and discovered amusingly enough you can move to slow and lag so badly you can actually hit someone flying through the air several times.


Personally my biggest complaint with the game was that I was unable to really face anything on a scale I could say was 'epic'. I mean Mehrunes Dagon, sure.. He was there.. I could run up and stab his toe. But I couldn't really 'fight' him and be able to actually defeat him, win the day, save the world etc. I wanted something like that where I had to face some incredibly huge honkin' monster that was like "BLUURAARGH I DESTROY WORLD NOW KAY?!" and I run up and go "LOL NO" and start stabbing him in the little toe.


Closest thing to that I've found was the Midas Magic Mod and the Balrog which was a very enjoyable ( And difficult ) fight - Nothing else like that seems to exist, though.. It makes me sad, I'd like more diverse and epic battles like that.

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To be honest, I thought Martin was a kickass character, and would have been an awesome emperor. But it did kinda get on my nerves that I was his lapdog, and got nearly no recognition for it. (Curse my large ego)


Either way, I would love for someone just to make the other daedric realms. I'd like to see Malacath's realm, since I heard it is extremely interesting, and maybe even visit Hircine's realm.

I'd also like to see something along the lines of a mod where you make your own daedric cult, can summon other daedra, and can do those awesome rituals.


But here's a good idea; How about one like the Servant of the Dawn mod, but you work with the Forces of Order, and can make obelisks, and bring back Jyggalag in Cyrodil.

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This one is getting a little rough. I think several of the commenters need to be warned.

Please don't feed the trolls

I'm closing this one before someone gets hurt.


If it gets opened again - I will get rough.


Bben46, Moderator

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