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Fastest way to level up block/armor skills


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He sounds like he's talking about early days, where surviving a Giant swing and not getting sent into double lunar orbit is probably not in the cards.


Early days I either look for several wolves and back myself into a corner or mudcrabs.


Early/mid days I'll go to the Rorikstead plains and find Sabrecats to play with. With Skytest, there are usually 7-8 of them hanging around, I'll isolate 3-4 of them and let them go to town on me. Alternative to them is Trolls in numbers.


Mid/late days then I'll look at Giants.

Edited by fraquar
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  • 3 years later...

Hey guy, i have other way really fast to level up your block skill and don't need cheat. First, you must have item and health enough to not die when you take one giant's strike, second you go to sleeping tree camp and block giant's attack, then you run into the blue pond ( have a white tree in center) and the giant can't follow you (don't know why?), and you just need heal yourself by spell or poition then come back and take giant's strike again, keep do it until you max level of block skill. good luck. oh, and sorry about my english.

Edited by Purgatoryz
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