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Ebony Warrior, Immunities? Other Immunities?


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We noticed (two of us) that the Ebony Warrior is immune to both paralysis and to Unrelenting Force.


Does anyone know how these immunities work and if new ones can be made and added to players and to NPCs?


This question may be a Creation Kit Question, but no one over on that forum seems to be answering. . . .


Thanks to any interested parties.



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open the CK and simply edit the Player or NPC you want to be immune to it, go in the 'Keyword' section, click add and type 'immuneparalysis' and 'ImmuneStrongUnrelentingForce' thaen add it to their keyword list. Then your characters should now be immune to all paralyzing effect and strong Unrelenting force shouts.

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There is no current immunity to any other shout in the game. You would have to create an effect and turn it into an enchantment and add it to armor, gloves or boots. Here is an example of one type. Check out how he made it.



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At first glance, the mod looks to "transfer" the paralysis and unrelenting force immunities to armor that can be disenchanted.


So we're probably going to have to investigate scripting!


Been putting that off.

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