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Anyone do a Genocide?


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Well I have seen some of you guys with REALLY high character levels, and not even 50 Vivec gods could kill you. so, since ur so strong, those guards arent a problem anymore.


have you ever decided to go on a killing spree and genocide a WHOLE town? I mean go house to house and murder everyone there and on the street until the city is a ghost town.


imagine if you could kill ALL of Vvardenfell in EVERY city and village, that would be crazy

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I have gone through Seyda Neen, Balmora, Ald ruhn, Gnisis, Khuul, Gnaar Mok and Hla Oad but it gets kinda pointless after a while, vivec is reall hard to do because the shere sise. The guards every where after a wile come back, I mean no affence by this but you make ALOT of topics lol, you've made 7 in the last 2 weeks!
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