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Kill La Kill armor.


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Thanks! This definitely helps. If you are able to, anything focusing on the arms would be greatly appreciated. If that is fine with you, heh. : ) Meanwhile, I'll keep doing my thing.


Also when I'm done, I'll be doing Bakuzan next. As well as the duel wielding versions!

I have not been able to dig up much that is useful. Unfortunately, I have a number of time constraints at the moment, so my ability to search is impeded. I will keep on the lookout though. If you need anything else let me know and I will do what I can. :smile:



Thank you for your time! Thankfully I actually was able to fix my arms after messing around and experimenting, heh. I just need to do a few more tweaks and it should be good! Well, good enough... haha! Then I'm gonna give Junketsu a better texture, something that isn't so bright and would fit Skyrim better. : )

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Thanks! This definitely helps. If you are able to, anything focusing on the arms would be greatly appreciated. If that is fine with you, heh. : ) Meanwhile, I'll keep doing my thing.


Also when I'm done, I'll be doing Bakuzan next. As well as the duel wielding versions!

I have not been able to dig up much that is useful. Unfortunately, I have a number of time constraints at the moment, so my ability to search is impeded. I will keep on the lookout though. If you need anything else let me know and I will do what I can. :smile:



Thank you for your time! Thankfully I actually was able to fix my arms after messing around and experimenting, heh. I just need to do a few more tweaks and it should be good! Well, good enough... haha! Then I'm gonna give Junketsu a better texture, something that isn't so bright and would fit Skyrim better. : )


Glad to help, need anything else i'll be glad to lend a hand. ^_^

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Glad to help, need anything else i'll be glad to lend a hand. ^_^


I finished weighting Junketsu! Yay!


Now I am currently messing with the textures, so if you'd like to then perhaps you could look up some tutorials on that? I already unwrapped the UV of the model, so now I simply have to add the content.


I've looked but I haven't seen much when it comes to actually creating new textures from scratch. But luckily I am a digital artist, so I can at least do it without a guide (although one would really help).


Also, I will post new screens later to give you guys a proper update!

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Okay guys, got a nice treat for you today! New screens! Yay!











Still gonna work on the textures, I want to add a nice layer over it to make it less plastic looking if you know what I mean. But soon I will do Bakuzan!

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Wow that does look amazing :D


But instead of making bakuzan, why not make a Senketsu? The released form or whatever you call it that is. I for one would love to see my ingame wife wear something like that :D


I definitely will, in time! Don't you worry, heh. I just don't consider this complete without a sword first, haha. But yes after I do Bakuzan, Senketsu is next. : )


But as a reminder to people here, these are imported from their models in Miku Miku Dance. So just to let people know, I didn't model anything from scratch... yet. Although yes, I had to do a lot of tweaking and shaping to get it right and working.


With that said, transformed Junketsu and Senketsu is not available. BUT in the future (after I finish these) I plan on modeling those from scratch. I have no idea how it will come out though, so I can't make any solid promises. But hey, at least we got something right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will back you in this project




I definitely will, in time! Don't you worry, heh. I just don't consider this complete without a sword first, haha. But yes after I do Bakuzan, Senketsu is next. : )


But as a reminder to people here, these are imported from their models in Miku Miku Dance. So just to let people know, I didn't model anything from scratch... yet. Although yes, I had to do a lot of tweaking and shaping to get it right and working.


With that said, transformed Junketsu and Senketsu is not available. BUT in the future (after I finish these) I plan on modeling those from scratch. I have no idea how it will come out though, so I can't make any solid promises. But hey, at least we got something right?




I will DEFINITELY back you in this project. You already created a good looking Junketsu, so you've definitely got my attention. I will begin looking for tutorials for anything you need help on. Hell, they might even teach me how to make my own armors lol :D BTW, someone has already created a mod for Bakuzan and the Scissor blades. Link here:


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Hey there! Sorry I've been away for awhile, been dealing with personal stuff and had to put things on hold.... oh and my Skyrim has been messed up due to mod issues but I'm currently fixing it lol.


I'm still glad people have shown interest in this! : ) I definitely plan on doing more with this, so stay tuned for new updates. Thanks for the patience! ^__^


Also yes, I did notice those weapon mods. Although in my opinion, they look a bit small.... I dunno. That's how it seems for me, anyways. Also the scissor blades are technically facing backwards, haha.

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