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A Fallout Doom


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Hey Fitzy_Cent here,

First id like to apologize for 'reserving' a space on fallout3nexus with my as yet unfinished mod, wont happen again.


Now here is where you can suggest ideas and ask questions about A Fallout Doom


So far id like help with:

If someone could point me towards a texturing tutorial (for weapons/creatures)


Id also appreciate if you could share your thoughts.




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Based on Doom the game? Well, I think some military base might work in Fallout 3, its possible to create creepy/horror themed ambience with dark rooms and scary music, and since story sucked in every Doom game, it isnt hard to create a better one based on Fallout 3.


But dont start doing anything too big and fancy, always people in every game start modding with huge goals in their mind, and every single time a project is started by creating a weapons/armors and other "cool" stuff. How about creating a small environment first? That way changes that something will get finisted are better.

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Im basing the story around the movie rather than the game because the story can easily be transferred into a fallout background.


Im actually building the mod systematicly by creating each section of the game in order, and im creating the weapons/armour/creatures after ive built the location as I actually enjoy location building rather than the 'fiddly stuff' as i call it.

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