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Old Silver Door in Better Cities


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go into console,click on door and type unlock.I do this on doors that were part of not featured quests for example the red and black queen.


No that doesn't work I use "unlock" all the time when I'm out of lockpicks so I think there is a lever or something too it but Ive turned that place upside down and nothing

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TCL to fly around and search for it...another option is to go into TES construction set and get a lever ot open it!.If its a openable door you can fly trough it,if its the other kind of door(the one that brings you in another cell) then the unlock cheat SHOULD work!
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Yea that whole prison is really sweet but that giant ass door I wanna know what it does...........if I toggle the camera there is nothing behind it so it has to go to a new cell but then "unlock" doesn't work on it
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