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Prevent some armors from being worn


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Is there a way for a mod to restrict which armor the PC can wear? E.g. make a perk that allows wearing only leather armor or makes the PC refuse to enter a power armor.

I found UnequipItemEx for SKSE which can prevent the item from being equipped but

1. Is it in F4SE too? Are there any docs or reference for F4SE?

2. It will only prevent equipping it after the PC does it once.

3. It's a script. I have a feeling it should be possible to do it without a script. E.g. Super Mutants and Deathclaws already can't use power armors.

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Armors have Race restrictions in general. Standalone Power Armor in particular is also a magical piece of Furniture, primary activation can be indeed blocked by a Perk on Player - Activate/ Add activate choice/ Replace default . Then can use a perk entry script to show a warning or whatever or do nothing. This method i've used meself.


Regular UnequipItem() has abPreventEquip parameter. Would it work if to prematurely (before it ever gets actually equipped) unequip every non-suitable item caught by OnItemAdded event? Don't know. OR, OnItemEquipped - immediately unequip ?


PlayerCannotEquip keyword may be used to patch existing Armor records, if allowed by mod concept. Adding this keyword by OnItemAdded event would not work probably, not sure.


Maybe there's equipment filter or something, somebody else may know better. Curious. ps. Hm, e.g. Set Filter Activation perk entry, no idea what does.

Edited by hereami
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