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Navmesh Trouble


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First time creating Navmeshes


I have created my first triangle and it goes green after pushing the Finished button, so far no problem. Trying to make a triangle next to the first and it goes green but the first turns red and Geck reports Navmesh error. How do I merge these to triangles so they both turn green. Have looked at the Geck Wiki and can't see any lines as I have in my Navmesh. See the picture


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I may not completely understand your question but I will try to answer it. First of all, green triangles generally mean 2 things: they are either selected triangles or they are triangles with a door portal on them when your navmesh is finalized (what you do when you are done editing, its the check mark). I may be able to help you more if you say what your navmesh error is. You can always just delete triangles that are giving errors and make a new one. That is often faster than trying to troubleshoot why the GECK is unhappy with it.
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