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Requesting link to existing mod


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I am sure I have browsed this mod fairly recently (past couple of months), what it does is it allows you to make a better Big Town.


It is not one of the mods that just slaps an already well-fortified Big Town in the Wasteland. Instead, once you have completed Big Trouble In Big Town, it allows you to not only select multiple options of defense (e.g Robots and Weapon Training) but also to expand the boundaries to reclaim more outlying houses.


In short, you have to work at improving Big Town, not stand there wondering why a fortified military base bristling with turrets is whining about 2 supermutants. One of whom has a bit of wood. With a nail in it.


Anyway, if someone knows which mod I'm talking about, can you post a link?


Muchas Gracias

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