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Proper Pipe Weapon overhaul ideas.


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Pipe weapons in fallout 4 have a role: Low-tier garbage for the start of the game that anyone can make and have, which is why they're found on raiders and settlers. And some guards, if I recall correctly. But they're generally discarded ASAP- If they're ever used. After all, your 10MM does work in this game, and you get a good stock of ammo for that for free when you start the game.


Here's where they should be: Cheap to make, cheap to customize, and with a variety of customization options. Their damage shouldn't be too much worse then other guns of the same caliber (Maybe 20-35% less damage then a proper comparable weapon of the same ammo type), with the main downsides being their comparatively poor range, accuracy (though they should all be usable, just inferior at their longer combat ranges), and of course, value.


When it comes to making them, they should be made out of whatever you have at hand. Anything that's made of wood should have the ability to make it out of steel, though that increases weight, or aluminum, which reduces it. Collecting various pipe weapons from raiders will build up a collection of mods to add to your own weapon, as per usual. The ability to remove parts without a replacement for anything but the core gun will make stripping other pipe weapons for parts easier.


When it comes to customizing them... They should be able to fill any role you need. After all, that's the point of having such a customizable weapon, right? There's a few pipe shotgun mods- Good. Pipe weapons should be able to use shotgun rounds. There's also a pipe grenade launcher weapon- Good.


But if you're going to be building a weapon from scratch, you should be able to suit it to any role. Want to make your full auto rifle into a full auto shotgun? Go ahead, if you don't mind the range being even worse then a proper shotgun in exchange for the rate of fire going up.


Want to give it a belt fed magazine? Sure thing- The art of folding a belt isn't exactly rocket science, though it may cost a fair bit of cloth and screws (and springs? Balance purposes...) to make the mod. A lot of effective weapon choices, like ammo belts and full auto shotguns aren't exactly difficult- They're just considered overkill for the purposes of a weapon. But in the post apocalypse? Go nuts! Do what you want.


Plus: Ammo types. You should be able to chamber it into any type of ammo, because as a Scavenger's weapon, it should be able to be used with whatever ammo type you've got the most of- Though you'd probably need to make it an auto weapon if you want to use a weaker ammo type, but that goes for all weapons. Just a trip to the workbench, and you can switch from 38 to 10mm.... Or maybe .50, if you run across a stockpile for your bolt-action sniper.


Finally: Roles. If you want to be a sniper, then a bolt-action silenced rifle is Good Enough for most human targets. And that's the point, right? Pipe weapons are Good Enough. Discerning survivors will likely want to graduate to something better, once they have the caps, and have looted, but that's beyond the scope here. You should be able to craft what you need without too much materials, or perks. Gun nut 2 should unlock the top tier mods, since at that point (level 13) you should be moving onto other guns, otherwise.


But what if you don't want a sniper, revolver, or auto pistol/rifle? What if you want something more? Well, that's okay: A Pipe Rocket Launcher should be well within the realm of possibility. Let's be honest: The 'real' rocket launcher isn't exactly high tech as it is. The most advanced part is the ammo, anyway. Got some missiles, and you're not too picky about how you deliver them? This'll do the trick! Just make sure to crouch down and go still before you fire if you want to hit your target.


Maybe you've gotten some decent guns, by the time you hit Gun Nut 2. But they're all pistols and rifles of some breed. You're the discerning scavenger! You want something a little heavier. A proper LMG configuration should be on the table! It's no Assault Rifle kitted out to the max, but it does the job if you see four raiders and want them all dead before you have to reload. As long as you don't try picking a fight with a super mutant, you should be good!


Well, let's say you DO pick a fight with a super mutant. You need something a little heavier then an LMG, and you don't quite want to set off a launched grenade or missile too close. Why not a minigun? Yes, a Pipe Minigun. Why not? It'll be worse in every way then the real thing- Well, except the weight. Maybe. -But you might actually have ammo for it! And the real thing is probably overkill. Expect a longer wind-up time at the lower gun-nut ranks for a Pipe Minigun, but once it gets going, it gets going!


And if you wanted to cover the Pipe Grenade Launcher? Well, I myself made a mod for New Vegas (Or, rather, TTW. With help!) that auto-converted explosives into gun-launchable explosives. That might not work here with this low-tech solution, but a quick visit to a crafting station ought to help you turn most grenades into a launcher friendly version! Just tie something to it so it pulls the pun before it punts the grenade out the barrel. Low velocity, maybe. But better then throwing it! It's a scavenger gun: Use what you got! Even if what you got isn't standard.


In short... From pistol, rifle, revolver, sniper, LMG, minigun, explosive launcher, whatever- If a weapon class exists, and isn't TOO advanced in it's basic principles, a pipe version should be possible.The versatility of the options- And the fact you'll be collecting mods for them if you loot nice looking ones from raiders- Will help keep them relevant into the mid-game, before you get a proper version of whatever dedicated weapon type you enjoy using. And it'll always be a good fallback for when your proper version runs out of ammo.


Pipe weapons: Never the best, but always good enough for what you need! As long as you mod it up proper for what you're after, of course.


(No energy weapons, though. Save that for the Laser Musket overhauls!)

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