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A town for raiders at heart


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Personally, i love the raiders. I have mods downloaded like "Life of Raider" by arcoolka, "Raider Power Armor" by phildog - AKA exinomorph, and "Slave Raider Companion" by gurk_meja. Thses are excelent mods which i would highly recomend to anyone wanting to role-play a raider or simply likes the raider style. However, what would complement mods such as these is a acuall raider city, not just a dungeon populated by raiders. I mean player housing, vendors, and the such. The closest thing in game to this is Evergreen Mills or Paradise Falls, but those just have a poorly 1 vendor and not really any reason to go back to once you run through it once. I was just wondering if anyone out there is currently making a mod that is PC-raider friendly because i can't be the only one out there who hates the fact that Megaton and Rivet-city are the only 2 real towns in the game that offer anything of signifigace.
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Personally, i love the raiders. I have mods downloaded like "Life of Raider" by arcoolka, "Raider Power Armor" by phildog - AKA exinomorph, and "Slave Raider Companion" by gurk_meja. Thses are excelent mods which i would highly recomend to anyone wanting to role-play a raider or simply likes the raider style. However, what would complement mods such as these is a acuall raider city, not just a dungeon populated by raiders. I mean player housing, vendors, and the such. The closest thing in game to this is Evergreen Mills or Paradise Falls, but those just have a poorly 1 vendor and not really any reason to go back to once you run through it once. I was just wondering if anyone out there is currently making a mod that is PC-raider friendly because i can't be the only one out there who hates the fact that Megaton and Rivet-city are the only 2 real towns in the game that offer anything of signifigace.


I have some Ideas and planings for this, but dont know when or if I will do it.


However, I wanted to do something, to change a few big Raiderbases in Game into different Raiderclans. So you could choose to join of of those Clans and could roam the wastelands with them. You could start Clan-Wars and take over other Clan-Bases or take over Settlements like Megaton and change them into Raiderspots. Raiderbases, that would be a focus of change would be Evergreen Miles, Superdupermarket or the Farm south of Republik of Dave. However, this would be a timeconsuming project, so I dont know if I will ever do it. Its just an Idea I have in mind for now.

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That's probably because raiders are more like wild animals, and with the exception of a few (Smiling Jack, former raider Jericho) have lost most of their rational thinking. If they were to live in a structured town, they'll probably end up killing each other.


But that's just my opinion. I'd like to see this done, could be fun.

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necKros thats only Fallout 3 Raiders, you should play Fallout 1 and 2 to see real Raiders. Evergreen Mills is a good start for a Raidercity if someone could expand it.


Yossarian22 I would love to see a mod like that, how would you make the Gangs look different ? Different symbols like the tunnelsnake on the back of the jackets in 101 ?

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The thing with raiders is that while they do hate other raider tribes and everyone else for that matter, groups of raiders would really have to depend on the members of their tribe to get by. It's the only way for a group of 10-20 idividuals to get by in the wastes. So raider town set up by a single tribe would most likely be one of the safest and tight-knit places to be...if you were in with them that is...
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The thing with raiders is that while they do hate other raider tribes and everyone else for that matter, groups of raiders would really have to depend on the members of their tribe to get by. It's the only way for a group of 10-20 idividuals to get by in the wastes. So raider town set up by a single tribe would most likely be one of the safest and tight-knit places to be...if you were in with them that is...

Raiders aren't the same thing as Tribals, stop calling their "gangs" tribes. :rolleyes:



Anyways I've actually been brainstorming an expansion on the whole Raider concept (King of the Wasteland Raiders, new Raider types etc) for Fallout 3 plus a ton of other ideas (a Mercenary town run by Tribals, Vampire concept expansion, new high tech faction with backstory etc etc).

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