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Condition Function for an effects trigger when weapon is drawn


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I have a spell effect that I wish to trigger when any weapon is drawn & at the ready


does anyone know a good Condition Function to call - and the specifics to make sure this works right?



I've already tried "IsWeaponOut" but that only triggers the effect when the avatar's fists are raised - not actual weapons.

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ok - figured this out. The trigger isn't exactly binary as it seems. you use a return of 2 in the field normally set on the scale of 0 - 1







  • 0 - If the Actor does not have a weapon drawn.
  • 1 - If the Actor has only his fists out. No magic or weapons have been drawn.
  • 2 - If the Actor has a weapon in either hand. Spells do not count for the purpose of this function.
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Out of curiosity, have you found a similar trigger for spells?


I would find it kinda threatening if some person was standing there with their hand half raised and little flames dancing around it.


Possibly more so than if he actually had a knife....


Of course then you would have to find a way to determine what spell was equipped and if it was a "weapon" spell.

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