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Help making summoning arrows


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`I'm trying to make summoning arrows. But they have a bit of a flaw. The game acts like the CREATURE SUMMONED them, and the suimmoned critter attacks me!!!!! how can i fix this....any ideas?


Ok not only fixed it but found a great way to not make it overpowering...hehe. I used reflect and it worked great....I'm making a bounch of small one handed throwing weapons with unique Enchantments For the stealthy Charecters. I feel There should be Small throwing weapons with the ability to play the game just using these. but to use them will be a very very big drain on magica. That does two things first it will keep you with very little magic, And second it will levl the playing field with magic creatures/monsters/. Heres a few ideas - 20% parylize/10%reflect/ drain magica- -Summon creature/reflect(something like 90%reflect for skeleton up to 10% reflect for gs)/drain magica/endurance- -Command creature 60%/10% parylize/40% reflect/drain magica- To help balance even more ill be adding drain magic/attributes to each weapon every weapon will have a varible refect spell on it.....making it a bit risky to use....but worth it if they succeed...Please Add any ideas You might have. Thanxs

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