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OverseerDesk Activate


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I'm making a vault (VOTP = Vault Of The People) and I wanted to make Overseer's desk to be able to activate, then I thought of script. But I'm not good with scripts so I need YOUR help :biggrin:


I called Terminal: VOTPOverseerTerminal and desk for: VOTPOverseerDesk01 incase you need this <----


Hope you can help^^

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Ok, I assume that you want to open the secret door from your terminal? If this is the case, then you'll have to create a new Menu Item in your terminal, and give it both a condition and a result script. In the condition, you should use GetOpenState to check that your desk is closed (GetOpenState should run on your desk reference, and return a value of 3 for closed). In the result script, you should use this line of code to open the desk with SetOpenState:

VOTPOverseerDesk01.SetOpenState 1

You'll also want to create a Menu Item to close the desk, using a similar condition (GetOpenState should return 1 for open), and using this line of code:

VOTPOverseerDesk01.SetOpenState 0

If you want to see how this was set up in the CG sequence, have a look at "CG04OverseersTerminal" and "Vault101OverseersDeskREF" in Fallout3.esm



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I have it checked and it still is giving me the error. If I create a new desk with a different name then it says that a script doesn't exist by that command.


For instance, I name the desk 159OverseersDesk01, and then when I try to compile it it'll say that script "159OverseersDesk01.GetOpenState 3" not found

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Is "159OverseersDesk01" the EditorRefID of the reference, or the EditorID of its base object? When you are editing the reference in the "Reference" window, its EditorRefID is displayed in the "Reference Editor ID" text box.



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Okay so apparently I had to delete the terminal and the script within it. I redid it and it works now. The thing I'm somewhat worried about is that the terminal I used in my vault is the EXACT same as the one in 101. Meaning that Vault 101's terminal is running the same script as mine. I think this is because I renamed the base model for it and I have no idea how to get the original Vault 101 terminal back. Any ideas on how to do that?
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You can remove edits from a data file by going into the "Data" window (where you choose which data files to load), then highlighting your data file and clicking on the "Details..." button. This will open up the "File Details" window, where you can see all records within the data file. To delete a record, simply highlight it and press the "Delete" key to ignore it. It will then be fully removed from your data file when you next load it.



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